2015 AGB National Conference on Trusteeship
Howard Teibel working with teams of trustees at the AGB 2015 National Conference on Trusteeship
Howard Teibel has joined the catalog of presenters at the 2015 National Conference on Trusteeship this weekend in Phoenix, Arizona.
Howard's pre-conference presentation is dedicated to helping trustees as they work to Institutionalize Change.
The trustees mingle at the opening reception of AGB 2105 National Conference on Trusteeship
Trustees understand that business as usual is no longer an option in higher education. Change is a given. But boards often struggle with how to start change initiatives and what questions to ask to shape the process. Utilizing the knowledge of a change-management expert in higher education and the experience of board and institutional leaders, this workshop will address questions such as: How does culture impact our ability to institutionalize change efforts? How do we help individuals and the institution deal with difficult facts while creating a positive vision for change? What are strategies to create a topdown and bottom-up approach that engages all levels of an institution in the change process? The workshop will provide tangible strategies and tools for board and institutional leaders to bring back to their campuses.
To those Arizona-bound looking for some additional insight on the conference, listen to Howard and AGB President Rick Legon discuss board leadership and adaptability in the face of change in higher ed on episode 86 of the Navigating Change podcast. The conference runs through April 21 in Phoenix, Arizona.