146: WACUBO Live — Outgoing Regional Presidents on the "Education Trust" and Innovation on Campus
This week we have the first in our live podcasts coming to you from the Western Association of College and University Business Officers Annual Conference in San Francisco. Howard Teibel is joined by the current regional association presidents in which they share their valuable insights in innovation, change, service, and the state of education in their regions.
The President's Roundtable Guests
Lynn Valenter
President, WACUBO
Vice Chancellor, Finance & Operations
Washington State University Vancouver
Lynne Schaefer
VP, Administration & Finance
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Ben Crutcher
President, SACUBO
AVP, Auxiliary Services
University of Kentucky
Peter Murtaugh
President, CACUBO
VP, Finance & Administration
Ranked Technical College
Thanks to all our guests for taking part in this wide-ranging conversation at the live event, and the WACUBO Annual Conference in San Francisco.
Photo courtesy Helen Norris, Chapman University