120: Yes, you can own your own Disruptive Innovation

Listen to Disruptive Innovation on Navigating Change The Education Podcast

Disruptive Innovation, the concept that new — typically inferior — products have the tendency to crowd out better products that are more costly, has been doing it’s own crowding in higher ed leadership. This week in the Chronicle, Evan Goldstein does his part to unravel the mystique of Clay Christensen and the DI landslide, a fascinating article in and of itself. 

There is clearly disruption in higher ed. Does it fit the model of Christensen’s Disruptive Innovation to the letter? Perhaps not. But today on the show, Howard Teibel and Pete Wright talk about the role of disruption, and the power of leading from a position that embraces it as part of the engine of change. 

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Photo Credit: "University of Colorado - Boulder” by J Iannone (CreativeCommons)