201: From Ladders to Drones to a Culture of Authentic Collaboration
Larry Levine leads the information technology organization for University of Colorado at Boulder. Scott Munson leads the information technology group for the University of Colorado system. Between the two, University of Colorado IT has ushered in a new era of collaboration that embraces not just their teams, but departments and functions that span the University.
Larry Levine
Associate Vice Chancellor, Chief Information Officer
Office of Information Technology
University of Colorado at Boulder
Scott Munson
Associate Vice President & Chief Information Officer
University Information Systems
University of Colorado
And yet, collaboration is a tricky word. What Munson and Levine discovered was that while they had been cooperating between departments — completing tasks, checking boxes, et cetera — it was rare that the departments came together to innovate toward solutions to their biggest challenges, if it happened at all.
Working with Teibel Education, using Pixar’s approach to cultivating an exceptional brand, Levine and Munson embarked on a journey of creativity that spanned the campus leading to just the sort of innovative solutions to challenges and sparking a transformative energy of inclusion and progress.
This week, Levine and Munson join Howard Teibel in a conversation about their efforts to increase collaboration and trust, and to discuss the successes they’ve experienced together so far. And make no mistake, while this project started in the University’s IT operations, it most certainly did not end there. This is a conversation about big ideas and truly transformational relationships. We invite you to take some time to listen to the conversation today and ask yourself: where will you start the change on your campus?