Navigating Change: The Podcast from Teibel Education

59: NACUBO 2014 Annual Meeting — Preparing for the New Business Officer Program!
In this week’s episode of Navigating Change, Howard and Pete Wright explore the program and NACUBO’s aim to help those new to the CBO role develop skills they’ll need to lead in today’s institution.
58: Balancing Culture and Innovation Part 2
Following up on our conversation with Deborah Sunya Moore from The Chautauqua Institution last week, we’re picking up this conversation around the constant balancing act between building and celebrating a strong culture and innovating in new areas and directions. The big question: no matter how much we personally celebrate the importance of change; how do you cultivate a culture of change when members of your community do not share your beliefs? This week on the show, Howard Teibel and Pete Wright share insights around building a culture that anticipates and celebrates change and innovation while embracing the legacy of their institutions.
57: Balancing Culture and Innovation at Chautauqua with Deborah Sunya Moore
Taking on new challenges forces us to re-evaluate existing processes in new ways. This shake-up can introduce discomfort and confusion, par for the course in a change initiative, ultimately all for the reward of greater efficiency, productivity, and affinity. These challenges are magnified when your institution boasts a legacy over 100 years strong. Our guest, Deborah Sunya Moore, serves as associate director of programming with The Chautauqua Institution, an arts and education community in New York on a consistent march to balance innovation and change with the expectations of guests who have been attending Chautauqua for generations. This week on the show, Deborah Sunya Moore joins Howard Teibel and Pete Wright to share how the Chautauqua Institution balances change with culture year after year.

56: Financial Leadership in the Business Unit with Administrative Management Institute director Fred Rogers
This week on the show, Fred joins Howard and Pete Wright to share his perspective on AMI and discuss the critical importance of strategic alignment across the institution.

51: Communicating for Action with Kelly Fox — WACUBO 2014 Annual Meeting
This week on the show, Kelly joins Howard Teibel and Pete Wright to share her insights in effective communication.

49: Trust, Change, and Transitioning to Shared Services
This week on the show, Howard Teibel and Pete Wright discuss the issues surrounding shared service model specifically and offer insights for making the transition in a way that helps all constitutes move through the change process smoothly.
48: Strategic Communication at SACUBO Annual Meeting with Guest Greg Lovins
According to our special guest Greg Lovins, communication is not always easy for business officers to do. As vice chancellor for business affairs at Appalachian State University, Greg and his team are responsible to ensure the institution is equipped with the information they need to collectively make smart decisions and keen investments. Ensuring buy-in and collaboration among key constituencies is a challenge for the very best communicators, but when the message is loaded with complexity and offers a high opportunity for jargon, clear communication becomes much more difficult.
47: "With Clarity for All" — Strategic Collaboration in the Institution
In “With Clarity for All,” Gail Gregory and Howard Teibel share the results of their work with leaders from Emory University, Caldwell College, and Carnegie Mellon University as they work to bridge three key leadership groups: faculty, administration, and the board.

46: Economy, Strategy, and the People Factor
This week on the show, Howard Teibel and Pete Wright talk about this trend as part of a package of adjustments the modern institution is turning toward for support as many struggle to adapt to new economic and educational realities.
45: Guest Andrew Menke on Leadership and Change at New Hampton School
Our special guest Andrew Menke serves as head of New Hampton School, an independent school with a nearly 200-year legacy in New Hampton, New Hampshire. The school is a model of “talent and shared purpose,” according to Menke, and he’s leading a cooperative of administrators, faculty, and staff working hard to reshape an education landscape.