Navigating Change: The Podcast from Teibel Education
79: How do you Transition from Sage to Guide?
This week on the show, Howard Teibel and Pete Wright discuss the key tenets of process consultation and offer guidance for asking tough questions of our own assumptions in our work to drive change in our institutions.

78: Regional Leaders on Regional Challenges in Higher Ed — Live from EACUBO 2014
This week on Navigating Change we’re coming to you once again from the EACUBO 2014 Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida. Speakers at the conference have been taking on some of the most challenging issues facing chief business officers in higher education. This week, we’re joined by all four regional CUBO presidents for a conversation on the challenges they’re facing in their regions. From dropping high school populations to a changing demographic landscape to dramatically declining state subsidies, each region is working hard to ensure their members are prepared to face tomorrow’s challenges today.

77: Strategic Leadership at EACUBO 2014 with Marta Perez Drake and Lynne Schaefer
This week on Navigating Change we’re coming to you from the EACUBO 2014 Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida. Speakers at the conference have been taking on some of the most challenging issues facing chief business officers in higher education. We’re kicking off our EACUBO series with two people who serve as leaders in the effort to prepare CBOs for the demands of tomorrow’s institutions.

76: Strategic Leadership and Big Change at Loyola Part 3 — VP of Administration Terry Sawyer
This week, Terry shares his insights on the academic and administrative review from the administrative perspective, and how we were able to form a partnership to deliver both financial and cultural benefits to Loyola Maryland.

75: Building Outstanding Consulting Partnerships
This week on Navigating Change, Howard Teibel shares his experience in building outstanding relationships with external consultants as a consultant himself. From setting clear boundaries for communication, to taking on key strategic responsibilities, Howard’s insights offer a keen view into what makes a consultative partnership valuable in achieving the strategic goals of the institution.
74: The Academic’s View in the Administrative Review at Loyola Maryland Part 2 — Professor Steve Fowl
This week, Steve shares his insights on the academic and administrative review from the faculty perspective, and how we were able to form a partnership to deliver both financial and cultural benefits to Loyola Maryland.
73: Gail Gregory on Strategic Communication at CACUBO Annual Meeting
Gail Gregory will be on-site at the conference delivering her presentation, “Communicating Financial Information Effectively.” This week on the show, Gail joins Pete Wright to share her perspective on strategic communication and the evolving role and responsibility of the business officer, with a great review of the big events coming up this weekend. Listen in!
72: The Administrative and Academic Review at Loyola Maryland Part 1 — CFO Randy Gentzler
On Navigating Change, we begin a three-part series to share the administrative and academic review from the inside out. Our first guest is Vice President of Finance of Loyola University Maryland Randy Gentzler, and it was under his guidance that the project ensured its focus not only on ideas for change consistent with mission but also ones that would have a positive financial impact.
71: UNE's Nicole Trufant on Communicating for Clarity at EACUBO 2014
Nicole Trufant joins Howard Teibel and Pete Wright to discuss how the role and responsibility of the business officer has changed in the last decade, and shares insights into her daily work to support her president, administration, faculty, students and parents across the institution.
70: Canisius College President John Hurley on Leadership, Strategy, and Communication
President Hurley joins Howard Teibel and Pete Wright to reflect on his role as he begins his fifth year of service. He shares his approach to building trust in times of challenge, the critical importance of communication, and building support and understanding across a diverse body of students, faculty, and staff.

69: Building Trust and the Higher Ed Business Model with EACUBO Chair Michael Gower
This week on Navigating Change, we’re thrilled to have friend of the show, Michael Gower. Michael currently serves as senior vice president of finance at Rutgers University and chair of EACUBO — he joins us on the show this week to share his insights on building trust, technology, and the forces impacting the changing business model in higher eduction.
68: Linda Penland talks Shared Services, Communication, and Unimarket NOW!
Howard Teibel will be joining the ranks of presenters at the Unimarket NOW user conference in Nashville October 22-24. To help us get ready, event co-chair Linda Penland joins us today with all the details. Linda has been a Unimarket customer since she lead the project to roll out shared services at her own institution, Creighton University. Today on the show, we talk about the challenges of such an audacious project, the hard work of communication and establishing cultural buy-in to new processes and building excitement and momentum around important ideas.
67: The Future of Education with Grant Lichtman — Part 2
Part two in our Grant Lichtman interview picks up with the political challenges that erupt in districts across the country. In the face of these challenges are schools making the change required to live up to the promise of true innovation in education. We reflect on the shared challenges of broken business models — both in K-12 and higher education — and the responsibility leaders have in owning positive change in the classroom.
66: The Future of Education with Grant Lichtman — Part 1
Grant Lichtman has quickly become one of the foremost thinkers and advocates for innovation in the classroom. His latest book, #EdJourney: A Roadmap to the Future of Education, documents his 3-month journey across the United States, interviewing teachers, administrators, students, parents, and trustees to examine innovation in the K-12 classroom.

65: Amir Rahnamay-Azar on Collaborative Leadership at Carnegie Mellon
Seasoned business officer Amir Rahnamay-Azar joins us on the show this week to share his leadership practices as a new member of the Carnegie Mellon University leadership team. Just celebrating his 1-year anniversary, Amir has developed a strategic plan for his division, illuminating the objectives shared by the institution and how his operation contributes to achieving them. His process for encouraging buy-in and developing a collaborative leadership relationship with the provost is a true highlight of his work, and we encourage you to listen in as Howard Teibel and Pete Wright learn how Amir is shepherding the entrepreneurial into his administrative office.

64: John Walda on the changing role of leadership in Higher Education — Part 2
In part two of our conversation, we discuss the importance of clarity and function of the business model to higher education, and John outlines a recently-approved research project in which NACUBO will study the impacts of business model weakness. John and Howard share insights around the changing expectations of student achievement in higher education.

63: John Walda on the changing role of leadership in Higher Education — Part 1
In part one of our conversation, we discuss the impact of higher education on the country as reflected by speaker Bill Gates, and the role of the business officer as it continues to expand in institutions in our country.
62: Cultivating Organizational Excellence with UW's Ruth Johnston
Listen in for a unique perspective on driving change in higher education from a recognized leader the field.
61: How to get the most out of the NACUBO 2014 Annual Meeting
This week on the show, Howard Teibel and Pete Wright talk through the key strengths of the event, from developing new business officers and helping to cultivate a culture of collaboration across campuses, to their leading voice in public policy around higher education.

60: Conflict and Collaboration
The road to collaboration is paved with complexity. We forget that sitting on teams, driving toward improved processes and structures, fantastic new programs and initiatives, are real people with real emotional ties to the work being done. This can lead to unconscious conflict that impedes growth and progress. This week on Navigating Change, Howard Teibel and Pete Wright discuss the opportunities and pitfalls inherent in building strong teams and offer suggestions for cultivating a progressive and productive team environment.