Join Teibel Education Consulting at an event in your area.

Creativity and Innovation Workshop

Creativity and Innovation Workshop

The Creativity and Innovation Workshop is an immersive experience that builds new habits of coordination within and across your organization. Join us April 29 to learn key skills that will accelerate relevant change and benefit your people and mission.

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The Chronicle’s Administrative Leadership Institute

The Chronicle’s Administrative Leadership Institute

Higher education is going through seismic change. Old ways are crumbling as the value proposition is increasingly questioned in public discourse, especially amid a climate of financial scarcity. The Chronicle and Teibel Education Consulting have developed a two-part virtual professional development program to help administrative leaders develop skills and sensibilities to meet the needs of these changing times.

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EACUBO 2024 Annual Meeting | Concurrent Session

EACUBO 2024 Annual Meeting | Concurrent Session

Knowing about a skill or competency is one thing. Being able to access it in the moment is another. Building off the General Session, Howard Teibel and Christian Recknagel will lead participants through activities that bring out authentic ways of engaging and leading others. 

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The Chronicle’s Administrative Leadership Institute

The Chronicle’s Administrative Leadership Institute

Higher education is going through seismic change. Old ways are crumbling as the value proposition is increasingly questioned in public discourse, especially amid a climate of financial scarcity. The Chronicle and Teibel Education Consulting have developed a two-part virtual professional development program to help administrative leaders develop skills and sensibilities to meet the needs of these changing times.

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The Chronicle’s Administrative Leadership Institute
to May 14

The Chronicle’s Administrative Leadership Institute

Higher education is going through seismic change. Old ways are crumbling as the value proposition is increasingly questioned in public discourse, especially amid a climate of financial scarcity. The Chronicle and Teibel Education Consulting have developed a two-part virtual professional development program to help administrative leaders develop skills and sensibilities to meet the needs of these changing times.

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NBOA 2024 Annual Meeting

NBOA 2024 Annual Meeting

This Deep Dive will explore the skills and sensibilities necessary to create a school culture that encourages interpersonal connection, enables effective coordination of work, and reinforces individuals’ leadership commitment to the organization and its mission.

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AACTE 2024: Cultivating Resiliency in Times of Change

AACTE 2024: Cultivating Resiliency in Times of Change

  • Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Higher Education is going through seismic change. Old ways are crumbling as the value proposition is increasingly questioned in our public discourse. Student needs are changing, while the ways we deliver education and work together are transforming. As leaders, it is clear we must reshape or dismantle many of the old structures to build anew.

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WACUBO 2023 Pre-Conference Workshop: The Creativity and Innovation Workshop

WACUBO 2023 Pre-Conference Workshop: The Creativity and Innovation Workshop

The Creativity & Innovation Program is an immersive experience to build new habits of coordination within and across your organization. Develop an articulated vision through storytelling and headlining, bring high-velocity decisions to your organization, brainstorm and practice pitching ideas to inspire leaders to act, and practice change management principles to help your team deal with uncertainty and accelerated change.

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NBOA Annual Meeting: Building New Social Practices for Stronger Teams

NBOA Annual Meeting: Building New Social Practices for Stronger Teams

When we are skilled in common workplace practices, such as closing the books or onboarding an employee, we don’t need to think about them. What if the practice of working productively together could be learned and performed in the same skillful and natural way? Being an effective team or organization is sometimes a struggle, and success in this regard can be ambiguous. Learn how to practice with ease as an effective team.

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NACUBO Annual Meeting: Small Institutions Roundtable

NACUBO Annual Meeting: Small Institutions Roundtable

  • Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center Denver, CO (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

As higher education moves beyond the pandemic, what do the next few years hold for small institutions? Connect with small institution colleagues to discuss post-pandemic business and financial management issues. Share your thoughts about today’s challenges and tomorrow’s uncertainties.

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California State Webcast - A New Social Practice: Building a Culture of Strategic Thinkers Across your Organization

California State Webcast - A New Social Practice: Building a Culture of Strategic Thinkers Across your Organization

A conversation for action is engaging in making requests, fulfilling promises, and effectively coordinating with each other. A conversation for possibilities is asking the question about who we want to be, where we’re going, and why. Most of us are so focused on the activities and actions of the day that we rarely practice or learn the art of being in conversation oriented around possibilities.

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WACUBO: Cultivating Resiliency in Times of Change

WACUBO: Cultivating Resiliency in Times of Change

Higher Education is undergoing a major change. Old ways are crumbling as the value proposition continues to be questioned. Student needs are changing, while the ways we deliver education and work together are transforming. As leaders, it is clear we must reshape or dismantle many of the old structures to build anew.

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WACUBO: Leading Change with Resiliency and Humility

WACUBO: Leading Change with Resiliency and Humility

Being a leader is recognizing opportunities to declare when change is needed and inspiring others to follow. Equally relevant, our people are living through a most uncertain period, one that is provoked by moods of overwhelm, indifference, or even resignation about the future. Well-being is today’s strategic imperative.

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WACUBO: Transforming Work Practices

WACUBO: Transforming Work Practices

How can we retain the best of what we have learned over the past couple of years while discarding practices that don’t provide value? There is a risk that we will fall back into a pre-pandemic mindset and lose the urgency and focus that produced innovation across our campuses during the most difficult of times. Retention of our best people is at stake in a time that has come to be known as “The Great Resignation.”

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NBOA Annual Meeting: Elevate!

NBOA Annual Meeting: Elevate!

The pandemic has proven to be a moment of innovation and positive change for schools, and with 2020 and 2021 behind us, now is the time to look beyond the next fiscal year. Embrace the opportunity to reengage your leadership team in longer-term strategic thinking and financial planning. Learn how to think strategically across your teams and execute a plan that addresses your vision for the future.

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NACUBO Planning and Budget: Reimagining Your Budget and Planning Process to Drive Culture Change

NACUBO Planning and Budget: Reimagining Your Budget and Planning Process to Drive Culture Change

Culture includes the history, norms, rules, and unique language of an organization. Culture is an institution’s greatest strength, but it also can be its greatest weakness. When we find ourselves in a position to reinvent processes—such as budget and planning—the history and expectations of the institution can impede progress on productive change. In this interactive session, presenters will explore how budget and planning processes support, shape, and have the possibility to transform culture.

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WACUBO: Mobilizing Our Community: Generating New Practices that Drive Innovation

WACUBO: Mobilizing Our Community: Generating New Practices that Drive Innovation

Innovation is often interpreted as the rollout of a novel idea or shiny new object. What if innovation instead is the transformation of how we work together and make offers to address larger concerns. In this session we will build on cultivating humble leadership and explore practices we can embody that generate value for the communities we serve.

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NYSAIS - The Art of Strategic Thinking and Planning

NYSAIS - The Art of Strategic Thinking and Planning

There are two types of conversations we lead and find ourselves - Conversations for Action and Conversations for Possibilities. A conversation for action is engaging in making requests, fulfilling promises, and effectively coordinating actions with each other. A conversation for possibilities is asking the question “who do we want to be and why?” Strategy at its heart is exploring possibilities for the future.

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The Parable of Destruction & Reconstruction - Cultivating Bold Collaboration

The Parable of Destruction & Reconstruction - Cultivating Bold Collaboration

Higher Education is undergoing a similar struggle. Old ways are crumbling because they do not work anymore. The value proposition to students is in question. Costs are spiraling out of control. Student’s needs are changing. It is clear, that we are going to have to dismantle many of the old structures and build anew.

Are you committed to a new vision or complacent with how things have always been done?

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